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Looking to consign your item(s) for one of our future auctions? Please fill out the consignment form below and a specialist will get back to you on the next steps

Why Northgate Gallery Auctions?
  • Family owned business of experts in the industry for more than 50 years
  • One of the earliest licensed auction house in the State of Tennessee
  • Low Commission Rates
  • Honest Professional evaluation with first-class personal communication
  • Free, No Obligation, assessments
  • Expansive buyer database to get your item(s) in front of the right customer
  • Well-Qualified, Expert third-party delivery and moving services

Consignment Form

Please submit 1 item at a time.

Optional but useful if we may contact you for details
Let us know where you are located so we can estimate costs for eventual shipping or pickup
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Upload multiple pictures of your item(s) so we can get a good idea of what it looks like.
Please provide a detailed description for each item you are submitting.
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