Amazing Monumental Chinese Carved Spinach Leaf Jade Pagoda, Having a Carved Tall Sorin Finial Atop a Nine Tiered Hexagonal Shaped Body Descending in Size That Breaks Down into 10 Pieces for Transport, Each Tier Having Carved Dragons with Bells Attached Underneath, Bamboo Style Roofs, Carved Porch Rails, Open Arched Doorways, Carved Windows, and Dragons and Bell in Each Corner. Base is Heavily Carved with Three Staircases, Leafy and Floral Designs, and a Dragon Entrance. This Pagoda is of Superb Carved Stone Craftsmanship and is Rare in Quality and Size. 57″ Wide, 40″ Deep, 112″ High
Amazing Monumental Chinese Carved Spinach Leaf Jade Pagoda
Aug 17, 2023

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